Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Welcome to my Blog!

I've never been a blogger or a tweeter, but I've decided to give both a try. I've tweeted twice in my life; once when I started my account (The_Real_Jimmy...don't ask), and once when I posted my Waterway to Orbit photo. Both times I managed to exceed the 140 character limit. This is my first blog ever...luckily there is no character limit. I probably won't update it with any sort of regularity, but I'll try and update on occasion if I feel like I have something relevant to say.

Since I decided to start this blog as a result of all of the fantastic responses that I've had to my "Waterway to Orbit" photo, I want my first entry to be a Thank You to everyone who has emailed me with your complements about the photo.

It's been an amazing couple of weeks, and I've enjoyed reading all of your emails, from literally all over the world, whether you were complementing this photo or other photos, asking technical questions, or telling me a story about where the photo had come from before it landed in your email box. This photo has spoken to so many people, and some of your stories are truly amazing.

I'm working on answering all of the emails personally; it has definitely been a challenge to keep up with them.

As far as ordering prints are concerned, I believe I am *real* close to being prepared to have them available for you. I apologize for the wait; I just want to be sure everything is perfect, since this has become the most popular photo I've ever shot. Thanks so much for your patience, and I hope to be emailing you real soon to let you know that the prints are available.

Thanks so much for your support,


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