Friday, April 16, 2010

New STS-131 Space Shuttle Discovery Photo

04/05/2010 6:21 am - STS-131 Space Shuttle Discovery launches into orbit in the minutes before dawn, leaving a beautiful reflection through the light fog on the Intracoastal Waterway in Ponte Vedra, Florida, 115 Miles from the launch.
Space Shuttle Discovery STS-131 Launch

This is the second time I've written this blog post. I wrote the first one about 4 days ago in notepad on my laptop while sitting on the couch watching TV. When I was almost done, I started getting tired so I set the computer down on the ottoman and went to bed. When I woke up in the morning, I picked up the computer and guess what I saw?? That's right, the ole' "your computer was recently updated and needed to be restarted" message. Apparently if you use notepad and don't click save, the computer just deletes it. Lesson learned. So anyway, as you are reading this, try to imagine that you are actually reading a much more thoughtful, witty and well composed blog post, because that last one was perfect, dangit.

So how do you follow the most popular photo that you've ever shot? In my case I went out and shot the exact same photo again. I was interested in seeing the difference between a night launch and a pre-dawn launch. While the components of the two photos are very similar, the differences are amazing. It's cool comparing the two back and forth. (use the right and left arrow keys).

I want to thank everyone who emailed me with your positive comments about it. For some reason the second one has become quite popular in Japan, as well. The photo has been retweeted over 1000 times, largely in Japan, and I'm now being followed on Twitter by 古田真治, 山 ミヤエ, and 小椋 淳一! That's awesome! Remember we ship internationally as well! :)

Now the business:

Name the Photo Contest:

Since Jerry Bonnell of APOD was nice enough to create such a catchy name for the STS-130 photo (Waterway to Orbit), a few people have asked me what I'm going to name the STS-131 photo. I will admit that my creativeness doesn't extend far past photography, so I have no idea. That's why I've decided to enlist everyone's help in naming the photo. I've set up a post on my Facebook Page that you can respond to with your idea, or you can email me your idea at My family and I will choose the name on Monday, May 3, and whoever is responsible for creating it will receive an 11x14 print of the new STS-131 photo, and a $50 credit for prints and merchandise at Feel free to enter as many names as you like, and this is open to everyone, including relatives of mine.

Thanks to everyone who has purchased photos from us over the past couple months! If you have any questions, comments or issues, please feel free to email me!

Thanks again!

James Vernacotola